By Dr. Kan
Once, secular India, as perceived by its founding fathers, immediately after decolonisation, has become a true Hindu state. Today, this danger is being felt by almost all political parties (less BJP and its allies) and particularly the non-Hindu minorities, which once were the symbol of secularism. Today, these minorities are more in number but, totally ignored, degraded and acting as dregs of Indian society at the hands of powerful Hindu, the Brahmins. While debating the dynamics of Indian society, one has to understand that, Hindu religion divides humanity into “unequals” where the superior beings enjoy subhuman divine rights over the inferior ones. Claims are made that, these religious beliefs are extinct. Is it possible to believe that Hindu religion is dead!
In Hinduism, there is a well circumscribed and definite code known as ‘Varna Shramadharma’ which divides human beings into castes. The Hindus came from the North-West Asia and were Aryans. In them existed a social order in which the most superior class was Brahmin (priests/spiritual leaders), then Kshatriyas or Rajahs (the kings/rulers followed by Vaishyas or Vaish (the commoners peasants, merchants, traders, artisans). In India, Sudras (Slaves), a fourth class of dark – skinned people was created. They performed menial jobs and were servants.
For Hindus, Brahmin is the highest caste on the earth, even if he is illiterate. Wells, schools, temples etc used by higher castes are forbidden to be used by persons belonging to a lower caste. Caste system is hereditary with complex system of interaction among them. The Brahman, popularly spelled as Brahmin, highest ranking of the four varnas, or social classes, in Hindu India. In fact, the higher position of the Brahmans goes back to the late Vedic period, when the Indo-European-speaking settlers in northern India. Owing to their high standing and tradition of education, Brahmans influenced all aspects of post-colonial India.
While Brahmanism is still at play in India, the slow and steady hard core Hindu extremist group, “Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, popularly known as RSS” has completely over taken the state and social affairs of Indian state. Through its political face, The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), this group is at the helm of affairs and has totally ended the secular character of India. Established in 1925, RSS had a critical role in Indian politics. Dr Keshav Baliram Hedgewar was the founding father of the RSS. In its subsequent history, the organisation was mostly criticized for its extremist’s roles, throughout in the Indian history.
In today’s India, RSS is involved in many anti-Muslim terrorist activities and has established a dedicated militant wing Bajrang Dal to terrorize the Muslims. Besides, this organisation is terrorizing the Christians and other minorities. The Organisation (RSS) is strictly working on the agenda of Hindutva, a term coined in 1923 by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar for the promotion of Hinduism throughout in India. As per Oxford English Dictionary, the term Hindutva means and “An ideology seeking to establish the hegemony of Hindus and the Hindu way of life.”
Being heavily influenced by the Hinduvta ideology and its philosophy, an authentic estimate says that, 10000-15000 people join the RSS camp every month. With this increasing number of the RSS membership, bulk of Indian society would become part of RSS and its ideology in next 5-7 years. “The RSS model is unique. It has a parivar [family] of 40-plus organisations. The RSS is their ideological fountainhead. It is also the BJP’s muscle; it provides the cadres and foot soldiers who are indispensable at election time.”
The most important aspect of this membership is that, Indian leadership is vigorously following this ideology and has taken steps which are as per the directive of the RSS. India Premier, Narindra Modi is an active member of the RSS who was nourished under this organisation right from his childhood. As per Indian writer, AG Noorani, “Modi is a lifelong RSS activist (pracharak), having left his family to dedicate himself to the organisation. It, in turn, ensured his rise to the post of the highest executive of the country.”
Indian leadership; whether Congress or BJP are all heavily influenced by the ideology of RSS; Hinduvta. RSS maintains strong linkages with RAW. Both influence the decisions of any Indian government. Without approval of the RSS and RAW, there cannot be any meaningful dialogue between Pakistan and India. In the recent history, the continuous Indian denial of negotiations with Pakistan is one of prominent aspect of the implementation of RSS-RAW led policies.
The question arise, where lays the real power in the India. Indeed, the real decision making power in the India can be find in a troika consists of; RSS, the powerful Indian Army and the RAW, the infamous Indian spying network. They all believe that, anyone who has to live in India either accept Hindu religion or leave India. This strong bondage with the fundamentalist Hindu mentality, believes in the “Akhand Bharat”- Greater India concept. What to talk of Kashmir, this powerful Troika, believes in the fact that, the other regional countries of the South Asia including Pakistan should ultimately yield to Indian demands, for making Akhand Bharat; the Greater India. Indian Hindu strategists consider Afghanistan and Myanmar (Burma) to be its part through this age-old concept. Indian growing influence in Afghanistan and getting into its social fibre is indeed part of this strategy. India claims its borders from Hindu-Kush to Burma.
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