By Our Reporter
It seems the Nepalese leaders hardly learn a lesson from history. It is evident from the agreement reached between Nepal Oil Corporation and the Indian Oil Corporation that Nepal will import petrol, diesel and cooking gas only from India.
The controversial agreement was made just a year after the Nepalese faced an acute shortage of fuel due to blockade imposed by India against Nepal.
Although the agreement signed in the presence of Supply Minister Deepak Bohara and his Indian counterpart DharmendraPradhan is said to be tosmoothen supplies of petrol, diesel and cooking gas from India, it aims to foil the attempts of the government to import fuel from China.
China had assured to supply fuel to Nepal during the 2015 Indian embargo if Nepal managed to import 30 per cnet of required fuel from China.
However, a provision included in the agreement has allowed Nepal to turn to the third countries if India fails to supply needed fuel.
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