image014A new play ‘Bhrikuti’s Life’ is being premiered at the Shilpee Theatre in the Capital. The play explores into the life and times of Lichchhavi-era princess Bhrikuti. The play is written by Sarubhakta, and directed by PavitraKhadka. The play follows Bhrikuti’s journey to Tibet and her contribution in popularising Buddhism there. Though history and mythology are interchangeably cited when talking about Bhrikuti’s life, it is generally accepted that she was the daughter of the Lichchhavi king Amshuverma and the wife of the earliest Tibetan emperor SongtsänGampo. She is credited with the spread of Buddhism in Tibet and is often depicted as the Green Tara in Buddhist iconography. Director Khadka said that with the play, he has tried to revive the story of a popular figure in Nepal’s history and bring her life and her insights on Buddhism on stage. The play has been enacted by the sixth batch of theatre students at Shilpee, who produce a play at the end of their three-month theatre workshop. Portraying the lead characters are actors Kopila Dhakal, Sangeeta Urao, Usha Daudari, and Hemant Tandukar. The play will be on at Shilpee Theatre in Battisputali every day (except for Tuesdays) at 5pm till April 1.