By PR Pradhan pushpa-columnWhether the Maoist insurgency was for the betterment of Nepal or it was initiated to finish Nepal, this is a debatablequestion of the day. On 1 Falgun (12 February,) the Maoists divided into four different political parties now, observed its 22nd“people’s war day” by organizing talk programmes in their party offices. However, the Maoist party led by Netrabikram Chand observed the day by organizing an assembly in public.  They lauded the “people’s war” as a big achievement that brought the present political change, however, they were unable to justify the killings of above 17 thousand people. Prior to launching the armed insurgency “the people’s war, Baburam Bhattarai had submitted a 40-point demand to the then prime minister Sher Bahadur Deuba. Out of the 40 demands, mostly they were the agendas against India. In fact, the Maoists were making foolthe Nepali citizens. More surprisingly, the Maoists were launching the war with the support of the Indians – with both money and arms. Out of the ten years of launching the “people’s war”, the supreme Maoist leaders including Pushpakamal Dahal and Baburam Bhattarai had spent eight years in and around New Delhi under the protection of the Indian security.It is not surprising they were actually serving the Indian interests. The Indian interests were to make Nepal an unstable nation and intensify the Indian influence. Today, Nepal is passing through a very critical phase. This is the result of the “people’s war”. A peaceful country like Nepal, which was in the process of economic prosperity under the leadership of the monarch, was able to safeguard national sovereignty and independence. This was not digestible for India as she had wanted to make Nepal as an India protected nation. Therefore, to achieve this goal, the Indians supported the Maoists to launch an armed struggle in Nepal. Today, Maoist leaders Pushpakamal Dahal or Baburam Bhattarai have totally surrendered to India by deceiving the Nepali youths including the martyrs of the “people’s war”. Today, Dahal is residing in a palace like building in the heart of the city. Bhattarai is paying lakhs of rupees as house rent per month. Was this the aspirations of those Maoist cadres who had sacrificetheir life in the insurgency? Of course, the then rulers, specially the NC leaders, who were in power, started looting the nation through rampant corruption. As the level of frustration was inclining among the people, the Maoists distributed dreams to the innocent youths and pushed them to the bloody war. They are talking about the change but what change have they brought to the country?Today, Dahal is sticking to power under the blessings of Delhi. Today, Nepal’s foreign policyis guided by Indian foreign policy as Dahal, during his recent state visit to India, signed a controversial agreement that both the countries should have similar opinion in the international issues, i.e. Nepal should support the Indian stance on international affairs and vice-versa from the Indian side. India is doing micro-management in Nepal. Are these the achievements of the “peoples’ war”? Nepal today has become a playground for the foreign powers – specially the Indians and the westerners. The Maoists and other political actors are responsible for giving space to the foreign powers.Communism is based on class conflict but the Maoists introduced communal conflict. The Maoists tried to separate Nepal on the basis of communality. This is the beginning of conflict among different communalities. Nepal is theland of above 100 communalities butlittle and none of them are in majority. The Maoists had promised to divide the country on the basis of different communalities. The present Tarai issue was given birth by the Maoists. Today, harmony among different communalities has already been ended. Except from capturing power, the Maoist “people’s war”has no other significance. Except from making Nepal an India-dependent state, the “people’s war” has no other significance. Dahal had talked about making Nepal an economically prosperous, but in practice, Nepal has converted as a dumpingground for India. Noattention has been given to reducing foreign trade deficit, no concentration seems to be there to make Nepal economically prosperous. Nepal has been degraded in all fronts but the leaders in the government have not paid attention to uplift the country except from uplifting their personal life. Already, Nepal has become the third most corrupt nation among the SAARC member countries. There is no regret from any of the political leaders for making worst the country. At present, the legal system has been collapsed and constitutionalism has been totally paralyzed. Key organs safeguarding national sovereignty and independence have been totally dismantled by the present day rulers. Rule of law has been violated; governance has been destroyed by partisan politics. Now, the court, the Nepal Policeand all others including the civil serviceand the foreign ministry have not remained aloof from partisan politics. These organisations have also been developed as the sister organization of the political parties in power. To conclude, the “people’s war” has been able to impose the foreign agendas; introduced political instability and invited serious threat to the sovereignty and independence of the nation. If such a system will continue further, Nepal is going to lose her identity and more likely the country will witness a split.