By Our Reporter The cabinet meeting held on 9 February was all set to name new ambassadors in 13 countries but due to the internal problems, NC was unable to give names. As foreign minister Prakash Saran Mahat was on a trip to Belgium, the process of naming the ambassadors will not be possible until his return. For a long time, the Nepal missions in 13 different countries have remained vacant due to incapability of the political leaders. This has given a wrong message to the world. Our missions in Russia, Australia, Japan, Denmark, South Korea, UAE, Qatar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Israel are running those without ambassadors for a long time. These missions are decided to be given full shape through political appointments on the basis of sharing of a pie among the parties in the government. After a long exercise, six seats were allotted for the NC and four for the MC and 3 for the RPP. Wrong trend: Political appointment in the ambassadorial position is a wrong trend in the context of instability in thenation. As per the present election provision, one single party can never bag majority and always there will be a coalition government and a single party cannot remain in the government for its full tenure. In this regard, considering the present practice of change in the government and every nine months,the practice of political appointment to the ambassadorial post has to be ended. In different times, along with change in the government, such politically appointed ambassadors have been recalled by the new government. This has demonstrated the lack of steadiness in our foreign policy. In the past, the UML led government had recalled Nepali ambassador to India, Deep Kumar Upadhaya on the allegation that he didn’t perform effectively. The next government, by promoting Upadhaya to the status of a minister, had resent him to the very country. This has reflected our childish diplomacy in dealing on the foreign policy. Therefore, diplomatic observers opine to scrap political appointment on the ambassadorial position.